ME 352 - Materials Science and Mechanics Laboratory

Course Student Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of the course, successful students will:

  1. Conduct a tensile test to determine the mechanical properties of various materials including:
    1. Yield stress
    2. Ultimate strength
    3. Elongation before failure
  2. Conduct indentation tests on metals to determine hardness.
  3. Conduct an impact test to determine the impact energy and the ductile to brittle transition temperatures of metals.
  4. Identify the microstructure of metals using optical microscopy.
  5. Calculate the grain size of metals using optical microscopy.
  6. Develop the skill of preparing metallographic specimens
  7. Conduct a Jominy test to determine hardenability of steel.
  8. Conduct a Jominy test to explain the effect of cooling rate on hardness in steel.
  9. Conduct an experiment to explain the effects of cold rolling on the mechanical properties of metals.
  10. Conduct a tensile test on various polymers to explain how mechanical properties are affected by:
    1. Strain rate
    2. Specimen temperature
  11. Effectively communicate results and conclusions in graphical and written forms
  12. Design and perform standard material property experiments.

University Student Learning Objectives

The Course Student Learning Objectives support the following University Student Learning Objectives:

  1. Demonstrate theoretical and practical knowledge as well as the intellectual skills and creative capacities pertinent to their respective fields of study.
  2. Practice experiential, interdisciplinary, and collaborative learning in both academic and co-curricular pursuits.